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    Hierapolis Ancient City

    Hierapolis, an ancient spa city in the Roman and Byzantine periods and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, is located 20 km away from Denizli city center. This region is known as Pamukkale, home to a world-famous marvel of calcite travertine filled with warm, mineral-rich waters. Pamukkale is a popular thermal center; its calcium and iron rich waters are believed to have healing properties. The ancient city above Pamukkale was founded by the King of Bergama Eumenies II in the 2nd century BCE and it is believed to honor the name of Hiera, the wife of Telephos, the legendary founder of ancient Pergamum.

    The city grew and stood out thanks to its hot springs. Pamukkale is famous for its calcite travertines (or terraces) filled with warm, mineral-rich waters. The region where Pamukkale is located has a special structure with its thermal springs originating from Lykos (Çürüksu) Valley. In Hierapolis, you can see baths, temples and ruins of ancient theater. You can swim in the Cleopatra Pool, a spring rumored that the Egyptian Queen took a bath.

    Hierapolis, the city where Saint Philippus, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, was killed, is one of the sacred settlements in terms of Christianity. It was declared a religious center in the century in the 4th century CE, and during the Byzantine period, became Episcopal Center. The Tomb of St. Phillipus (Aziz Phillipus Mezarı) and the Martyrium, unearthed as a result of excavations in the ancient city, are among the sacred structures of Christianity.

    The old Roman bath located in Hierapolis Ancient City (Hierapolis Antik Kenti) has now been converted to Hierapolis Archeology Museum (Hierapolis Arkeoloji Müzesi). You can visit the various archaeological finds unearthed in and around Hierapolis in the halls of the museum with stone blocks made of travertine.


    In the archaeological excavations carried out in the Hierapolis Ancient City (Hierapolis Antik Kenti), the Plutonium Sanctuary (Hell’s Gate) (Cehennem Kapısı) and the entrance of the cave, which was accepted as the “gateway to the land of the dead” in the ancient world where they were unearthed. In the Ancient Age, in which the pagan belief was dominant, Hierapolis means “Holy City”. This name: it comes from the existence of a cave through which thermal waters and gas (carbon dioxide) that causes the deaths of living beings coming close to it escape. Because of these features, the cave was regarded as the entrance to the underworld, where the god Pluto and his wife Persophone ruled. Around the cave was placed a sanctuary, a great touristic visit in Antiquity and built between the 1st century BCE and the 3rdcentury CE. Visitors to this sanctuary include Cicero, Emperor Hadrian, and Caracalla, the philosopher Damascus, as the most famous. Visitors dropped birds into the cave, and they were immediately poisoned to death.

    The building complex, unearthed as a result of the excavations carried out in the 2013 excavation season in the Plutonion Sanctuary (Hell’s Gate), constitutes a unique site in the world. In excavations, it enabled the original source of thermal waters that created famous Pamukkale travertine pools to be brought to light. In addition, it led to the discovery of the sanctuary built around the cave, where the carbon anhydride gas that caused the death of small animals and birds that approached.

    Among the most valuable artifacts found in the excavation are a marble head of the goddess Aphrodite and a marble Dionysos Statue (Dionysos Heykeli), made in Hellenistic time, with a special hair system and two holes in her ear for wearing gold earrings. In addition, the most extraordinary find is a marble snake statue and a marble statue of Kerberos, taken out of the water and protecting the entrance to the cave.

    The three-headed “Hell Dog of Hades”, a unique work in the world in terms of its height Marble Kerberos statue at 1.30 m., stands at the Gate of Hell according to mythology.

    Laodikeia Ancient City

    The city, an important city of the Roman period in the 1st century BCE in Anatolia, is home to great works of this period. The ancient city of Laodikeia (Laodikya Antik Kenti), about 20 minutes by car from Denizli city center, is one of the must-see places with its feature of being one of the largest trade centers in history.

    The city, located in the middle of Lykos (Çürüksu)Valley in the intersection of Phrygia, Lydia and Caria regions in ancient geography, was founded on behalf of his wife queen Laodike by Seleucid King II. Antiochus Teos in the south of the Lykos River. In ancient sources, it is mostly referred to as “Laodikeia and Lykum (Laodikeia on the shore of Lykos”.

    Laodikeia, which is of great importance to the Christian world, has been a “Holy pilgrimage center”since the 4th century CE. Mentioned in the Bible and one of the seven famous churches of Anatolia. The Laodikeia (Pilgrimage) Church is located there.

    Among the important structures of Laodikeia that have survived to the present day are Anatolia’s largest stadium, theaters, four-bath complex, agoras, Nympheum, main entrance gate, parliament building, temples, churches and monumental street.

    Laodikeia Ancient City is included in UNESCO World Temporary Heritage List.

    Tripolis Ancient City

    Tripolis Ancient City (Tripolis Antik Kenti), founded on the banks of the Büyük Menderes River, in the north east of Lykos (Çürüksu) Plain, is located within the boundaries of the Buldan district in Denizli province today. The first name of the city founded at the intersection of Phrygia, Caria and Lydian Regions in the Hellenistic Period was Apollonia and for a short period of time, it was called Antoniopolis. Due to the settlement of the people of three regions in the 1st century BCE, it was named Tripolis. Tripolis, numbered among the richest cities in the region with its establishment and urbanism, lived its most magnificent era in the Roman Period. Public buildings such as the theater, stadium, bath, Gymnasium, Nymphaeum, agora and other buildings belonging to civil architecture in the ancient city contain important information that carries the relationship of people with nature, environment, urban planning, aesthetics and architecture in ancient times.

    Denizli’s Stenciled Mosques

    Baklan Boğaziçi Mosque

    Eski Mosque (Eski Cami) located in the Boğaziçi Neighborhood of Baklan town was built approximately in 1772 (Hijri 1181). The mosque, which has an aesthetically rich appearance with its interior decoration with floral and geometric motifs and wall paintings consisting of architectural depictions, is one of the rare examples reflecting the art of painting developed in Anatolia in the second half of the 18th century. The ceiling and wooden poles of the rectangular planned mosque are adorned with spectacular hand-drawn ornaments. The mosque, in which Turkish wood, ornamentation and carving art is carefully used together, amazes with its ceiling, arch and column embroidery.

    Serbanşah (Savranşah) Mosque

    Serbanşah (Savranşah) Mosque (Serbanşah Cami), located in the Çivril district, was built by a person named Ömer Ağa in 1882(Hijri 1298), as understood from the inscription on the entrance door. The longitudinal rectangular mosque attracts attention with its stained-glass windows, wooden structures, plant motifs and handcrafted ornaments. The exterior structure of the mosque is quite simple and unpretentious, but the interior of the mosque is astonishingly decorated. There are names of religiously important people and plant motifs on the wall panels of the Savranşah Mosque, which has green and blue tones, brown, red and black ornaments.

    Cevher Paşa Mosque

    Cevher Paşa Mosque (Cevher Paşa Cami), located in Tabae Ruins (Tabe Harabeleri) on Denizli-Muğla highway, has a rectangular plan like other hand-drawn mosques and its minaret is covered with cut stone. The altar is decorated with floral motifs, square and circle wall panels with floral geometric patterns. The hipped roof of the mosque is covered with Marseille tiles. It is a good example of wooden-supported, hand-drawn mosques of the 19th century of the Ottoman period.

    Karahayıt and Yenicekent Hot Springs

    Thermal springs, offering health and healing from ancient times to the present, comes to life with the waters of Lykos (Çürüksu) River and Büyük Menderes River (Büyük Menderes Nehri). The thermal waters and thermal mud in Karahayıt Hot Springs (Karahayıt Kaplıcaları) in Pamukkale district are used in the treatment of many diseases. The thermal water source that creates red, green and white colored layers because of mineral oxides contained in it has an attractive appearance. The temperature of the thermal water and thermal mud coming from its main source in every period of the year is 58°Cand it is a unique health resource in terms of its rich mineral content. Unlike the white travertines in Pamukkale, it is among the must-see places in Denizli with its unique view of red travertine.

    In the area known as Yenicekent Hot Springs (Yenicekent Kaplıcaları), located in Buldan district today, thermal water resources were used for treatment purposes during the Tripolis Ancient City (Tripolis Antik Kenti) period. The healing thermal waters of the spas possess the ability to cure heart diseases, blood pressure, rheumatism, eye, rickets, paralysis, nerve diseases and skin diseases. Especially the treatment taken with thermal mud bath attracts attention with its rejuvenating and regenerating properties.

    Honaz Mountain National Park

    Honaz Mountain (Honaz Dağı), the highest point of the Aegean Region has a unique place in terms of its steep slopes, waterfalls, rich flora and fauna, and geological features. If it is a National Park, it consists of Honaz Mountain and its surroundings located within the boundaries of the Pamukkale and Serinhisar districts. The slopes of the mountain covered with forests show a rich plant diversity due to their special climatic conditions. Many endemic plant species are found, including red pine, larch, oak and juniper. Three plant species that grow only on Honaz Mountain in the world; Ballıbaba, Beeftail and Saffron were identified. In addition, animal species such as wild goats, wild boars, badgers, foxes, rabbits and martens, as well as different species of songbirds and predators can be seen. Colossae Ancient City (Colossae Antik Kenti), one of the most important centers of Great Phrygia, is located within the borders of the National Park. Honaz Mountain National Park (Honaz Dağı Milli Parkı), with its slopes and waterfalls, is very suitable for nature walks, bicycle tours and camping.

    Sunset, Balloon Tour and Paragliding in Pamukkale

    The healing thermal waters of Pamukkale, which enabled the establishment of Hierapolis Ancient City (Hierapolis Antik Kenti), one of the most magnificent cities in history, has a unique beauty with its layered structure. The nebula image formed by white travertines takes on different colors at sunset. Watching a bird’s eye view of this magnificent natural beauty by balloon tour and landing over the ancient city with a paraglide is another source of pleasure. It is necessary to experience this unique experience in Pamukkale, where nature makes its art speak and Hierapolis stands out with its magnificent appearance.

    Colorful Buldan and Babadağ Houses

    Buldan town where weaving has been done since the ancient times, and one of the most important centers in the field of weaving and textile products in Türkiye is among the places worth seeing with itscolorful architecture and streets. The district’s cultural background in interweaving is also reflected in the city’s architecture and urban aesthetics. In the Ottoman period, there were workshops and looms on the ground floors of houses used by weavers. Therefore, traditional weaving culture has continued for years and a city texture that preserves its originality has emerged. The common features of Buldan houses are that they generally have bay windows and wide eaves, and they are structures where mudbrick and wooden materials are used together. One of the most important features of these structures is that they are built in a way that does not obstruct each other’s views and is suitable for slope house structuring. Wood craftsmanship and woodworking seen in Buldan houses reflect the original motifs of folk culture. Buldan houses, reflecting the urban texture of Seljuk and Ottoman periods, but, at the same time, where Republican Period architectural style can be seen, are among the important cultural assets in Türkiye. The area where the historical gained more aesthetic appearance as a result of the restoration works has been taken under protection as an Urban Protected Area.

    Babadağ district of Denizli attracts attention both with its natural beauties and urban texture. The historical houses of Babadağ, where the knitting culture was developed like Buldan which had an important textile production capacity with hand looms in the 1950s, also add a different value to the city. It is possible to take a nostalgic journey through the streets of the city while hammer sounds are heard from the wooden workshops under the colorful historical houses.

    Çardak Acıgöl Bird Observation Area

    Acıgöl, located between Denizli and Afyonkarahisar provinces, near Çardak district of Denizli, is an important wetland for many bird species during breeding, migration and winter periods. Although their number decreases during the winter periods, it is possible to observe different bird species twelve months of the year. Acıgöl is the breeding and reproduction area of over 200 wild bird species such asflamingo, coot, wild goose, wild duck, crane. It also hosts some bird species that are endangered on a world scale. Flamingos, living in the soda and salty inner parts of the lake offers unique frames with its pink-colored appearance on the lake. Photography lovers can photograph flamingos between May andOctober. There is a Bird Watching Tower at the borders of Gemiş Town which is just near the International Çardak Airport, which is the only airport in Denizli, so that the visitors can observe different bird species in Acıgöl. In addition, there are mountains and plateaus in the south east of the lake for those interested in nature sports. 

    Healing and Sulfur Scented Kaklık Cave

    Kaklık Cave (Kaklık Mağarası), located in the Honaz district 30 km away from the center of Denizli, has an authentic look with dripstone stalactites and stalagmites. Since it has travertine steps like Pamukkale travertines, it is also called Little Pamukkale or Cave Pamukkale. There is abundant thermal water inside the cave. Clear, colorless and sulfur scented thermal water base cures skin diseases.

    Keloğlan Cave (resembles the Dripstone Forest)

    Dodurgalar Keloğlan Cave (Dodurgalar Keloğlan Mağarası) is located at a distance of 18 km east of Acıpayam district which is 60 km away from Denizli, on the eastern slope of Mallı Mountain. Keloğlan Cave, which is a fossil cave developed horizontally is 145 meters long. Due to the abundance of stalactites, stalagmites, columns, and cover dripstones inside, the cave turned into a visual feast resembling a dripstone forest.

    Çameli Emecik Canyon

    Emecik Canyon, located in the mountainous region between Emecik and Cevizli Neighbourhoods in Çameli Town, attracts the attention of nature sports enthusiasts with its natural vegetation, clear waters and wildlife. The canyon, which attracts attention with its cool waters in hot weather, consists of deep and narrow valleys. The entrance of the canyon is 2 meters wide; the total length is 14 km. Inside the canyon, there are many large and small waterfalls and streams. It is possible to experience a different nature by joining rafting organizations, organized by local governments in spring and autumn.

    Acıpayam Canyon

    Acıpayam Canyon, located in the Benlik and Olukbaşı Neighborhoods of Acıpayam, has been recently discovered and opened to tourism. The cold and clear waters of the canyon, whose natural structure is well preserved, flowing from the giant cliffs with a height of about 50 meters give great pleasure in the summer months. The blue color of the water, which forms deposits in some parts of the canyon, where there are also historical mills, resembles the sea. Acıpayam Canyon, which draws attention with its wildlife, is a suitable natural beauty for those who are interested in hiking and climbing activities and those interested in caravan tourism.

    Çivril Işıklı Lake Water Birds Protection Area

    Located in Çivril Plain, Işıklı Lake (Işıklı Gölü) has been accepted as a Water Birds Protection Areadue to its potential. In the region, which is an important habitat for waterfowl, many important water birds such as heron species, gray goose, sea eagle, reed borer, red hawk, stilt and terns can be seen. It has an important place in terms of eco-tourism. Carp, pike and velvet fish are grown in the lake, where freshwater fishing is carried out, and they are served in restaurants nearby.

    Kartal Lake and Karaçam Forest Nature Reserve

    It is located on the northern slope of the summit of Çiçekbaba Mountain (Çiçekbaba Dağı) in the south of Beyağaç town. Kartal Lake (Kartal Gölü) and its surroundings, home to Türkiye’s oldest black pine forests, has been declared a protected area. Quite rich in plant flora, the lake and forest area which attracts nature lovers. It has a rare forest ecosystem with the presence of old trees with monumental tree characteristics around the lake. Alpine vegetation prevails around Kartal Lake, where the glacial valley is located, so it is rich in meadow and pasture plants. Kartal Lake is reserved as a Nature Reserve due to its authentic and unique natural beauty.

    Buldan Süleymanlı Lake

    The waters of Süleymanlı Lake (Süleymanlı Gölü), located around Süleymanlı Plateau, located in the boundaries of Buldan district, are sweet. In the lake, which is a short-term accommodation for migrating birds, bird species such as wild ducks and storks, as well as carp and catfish can be seen. Wild animals such as wild rabbits, pigs, hedgehogs, badgers, mallard duck, white pelican and coot are common around the lake. It functions as an important ecosystem since it has some aquatic plant species, including water lilies, and contains endemic plant species. Süleymanlı Lake and its surroundings offer a suitable environment for camping lovers and those interested in land hunting.

    Güney Waterfall

    Güney Waterfall (Güney Şelalesi), which is located in Güney district of Denizli with its vineyards and wine production, is among the places worth seeing in terms of its natural beauty. This hidden paradise, 70 km away from Denizli, offers exquisite beauty with its waters slowly pouring into the Büyük Menderes River (Büyük Menderes Nehri) from a height of about 20 meters. Due to the calcareous nature of the waterfall water, there are limestone steps and various natural formations in the waterfall bed. In the magnificent harmony of nature, drops of water flowing over green moss have formed Damlataş Cave (Damlataş Gölü), which has stalactites and stalagmites over the years. You can choose a peaceful renewal in nature around the Güney Waterfall or a more active holiday experience by participating in bicycle tours.

    Sakızcılar Asmaaltı Waterfall (Crying Rock)

    Although there are many waterfalls in the region in Çal district of Denizli, Sakızcılar Asmaaltı Waterfall (Asmaaltı Şelalesi) is among the must-see places with its natural beauty. The waterfall, called Crying Rock, because the water pours over the rocks, flows from a height of 30 meters. The trout grown in the cold waters of the waterfall must be tasted. You can taste trout or poultry on the tile and grillaround the waterfall, which attracts attention with its natural trout ponds and poultry breeds.

    Yatağan Kefe Plateau

    Kefe Plateau (Kefe Yaylası), 5 km from Yatağan town, which is one of the settlements of Oghuz Tribes who came to Anatolia first, is located on the asphalt road connecting Yatağan and some villages of Honaz district. There are black pine, red pine and juniper trees on the plateau at an altitude of 1100 meters. The highland is frequently preferred by nature lovers with its clean air and abundant oxygen, peace and quiet, social facilities. Due to the importance of the town of Yatağan in knife production, the Yatağan Knife and Kefe Plateau Festivals are held in August every year.

    Topuklu Plateau

    It draws attention with its majestic trees, air, cold and high-quality drinking water sources. It is a suitable area for daily picnics and tent camping. Topuklu Plateau (Topuklu Yaylası), 20 km away from Beyağaç district center, is located at an altitude of about 1700 meters. Watching the Gulf of Gökova from the hills to the west of the plateau and the sunset in the summer is a great pleasure. Festivals are held in June every year in the lush green plains and cool weather of the plateau.

    Çameli Mountain Bike Marathon and Paragliding

    The International Çameli Mountain Bike Marathon Championship (XCM), which is held every August in Çameli, which is located between the Western Mediterranean and Southern Aegean regions, offers a unique opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the region. In the marathon race held within the framework of rules of International Cycling Union (UCI) and the Cycling Federation of Türkiye, long and short tracks are covered in the category of international and national. During the cycling marathon starting from Taş Konakları in Çameli center and ending in Elmalı village, you can experience the different feelings of cycling by pedaling sometimes on tarmac, sometimes on country road and stony ground.

    Attracting attention with its outdoor sports opportunities, Çameli hosts many championships thanks to the paragliding track on Yaylacık Mountain (Yaylacık Dağı). Yaylacık Mountain, 2150 meters high, is on the Denizli-Fethiye highway route and is closer to Fethiye. The four sides of the mountain,covered with pine, cedar and juniper trees at an altitude of 1500 meters and 1800 meters, are suitable for paragliding. Due to its location, it provides safe and enjoyable flights to amateur and professional paragliders and delta wing athletes. While experiencing the adrenaline and excitementof parachute jumping, discovering the rich vegetation, clean air and natural beauty of Çameli is a different experience.

    Denizli Ski Center (Bozdağ)

    Denizli is open to the winds from the sea as the mountains lie perpendicular to the sea. Although it is located within the borders of the Aegean Region with a mild climate, the effects of the continental climate are felt in some parts. Denizli’s mountains such as Honaz Mountain (Honaz Dağı), Karcı Mountain (Karcı Dağı), Babadağ and Bozdağ have skiing potential with the inclination of the slope and the snowfall. Denizli Ski Center (Bozdağ), 39 km away from Tavas district and the largest ski center of Western Anatolia, draws attention with its natural tracks. Skiing can be done between December and April on Bozdağ at an altitude of 2419 meters. On the slopes of Bozdağ, which is very suitable for winter sports with its snow crystal structure, you can experience a different experience with the breeze of the white snow hitting your skin from the high slopes. In the summer, you can enjoy the cool weather on the slopes with highland tourism.

    Your Home in Çameli: Çameli Stone Houses

     Çameli Stone Houses is the new address for a quiet and peaceful holiday intertwined with nature in the Çameli district, 110 km from Denizli.

    The facility features independent stone cottages, all designed with distinctive authentic elements, such as vaulted ceilings and exposed beams. The property includes a restaurant, a hammam, a sauna and a swimming pool, as well as nearby cycling and trekking areas.

    At Çameli Stone Houses, we consider every detail to ensure that your holiday memories are unforgettable. 

    Çal Kısık Canyon

    Did you know that there are many tombs remaining from Byzantine and Roman Periods in Çal Kısık Canyon, located in Büyük Menderes Valley which is the settlement of great civilizations in ancient periods? You can also go for trekking, hiking and rafting there. If you have still not visited Kısık Canyon which fascinates the visitors with its splendid view, we invite you to Çal.

    Denizli Cable Car and Bağbaşı Plateau

    Attracting great attention year-round, the Denizli Cable Car takes visitors up to an altitude of 1,400 meters. Visitors can stay in bungalows and tents at Bağbaşı Plateau. Facilities include bungalows, yuruk tents, restaurants, picnic areas, climbing tracks, and adventure tracks. You can also enjoy local dishes and, of course, breathe in the fresh air.

    Denizli City Museum

    Discover Denizli's vibrant history at the Denizli City Museum, a must-visit for travelers. Housed in beautifully restored early Republican buildings, this museum offers an immersive journey through the region’s rich past. Explore nine captivating exhibition halls showcasing everything from ancient artifacts to local crafts and traditional lifestyles.

    Dive into the stories of Denizli’s heritage, from the ancient Roman Bath at Pamukkale to the city’s role in Turkey’s modern history. Whether you're a history buff or just curious about local culture, the Denizli City Museum is a fascinating stop that brings the region’s history to life in an engaging and accessible way.